The newest hotend from Slice Engineering is light yet capable thanks to the bimetallic alloy, allowing it to reach nearly 450°C!
3D printers are great for rapidly iterating your designs to find one that works best, and the 3D printers themselves are no exception.
Luckily, the Slice Engineering Copperhead aims to be a universal hotend for nearly every type of FFF 3D printer configuration out there. The Copperhead Hotend not only features modular heat breaks for ultimate compatibility, the heat breaks are made of a bimetallic alloy for optimal heat transfer, and by nature, the Copperhead Hotend System can support printing at temperatures up to 450°C.
Technical Specifications
Copper has a much higher melting point than aluminum, which means that the Copperhead Heater Block, made from copper alloy, can reach a maximum temperature of 450°C as long as the rest of the 3D printer’s components are rated for such temperatures, like thermistors, heater cartridges, and mounts. This could effectively raise the maximum temperature of even the oldest compatible machines by nearly 200°! Each of the heat break variants are designed to fit the most popular iterations of hotend designs found in the 3D printer market.
The Slice Engineering Copperhead is small and modular, allowing it to be integrated into a variety of manufacturing applications.
Modular Heat Breaks
The Copperhead is made of three separate components: the heater block, heat break, and the optional heat sink. The same heater block is used in all configurations, and is made of a nickel-plated copper alloy to prevent loose filament from sticking to the block. With multiple heat break options available including the Standard, “Reprap,” Mk8, and Mk10, you should be able to find an option that won’t require major modification to install on your specific 3D printer. For hotend mounts you may have already designed, but want to utilize with all Copperhead components, the groove-mount heat sink is going to be the right choice. For those designing a new mount altogether, the Copperhead screw-mount heat sink shortens the entire hotend to gain some print height back. Since either of these heatsinks utilize the smooth-bore Standard heat break variant, you are able to adjust the Z-height of the nozzle with just one screw, which makes calibrations easy, and multi-extrusion systems a breeze.
The four heat breaks make it easy to upgrade older systems to newer technologies.
Bimetallic Alloy
Slice Engineering put the Copperhead through extensive testing while developing the bimetallic heat break. Using thermal imaging technology, Slice Engineering optimized the heat transfer from the heat break to the heat sink to ensure that heat stays in the heater block and quickly dissipates in the heat sink. This is all done in an effort to keep the filament in its ideal semi-liquid state and localized to the heater block. This virtually negates the troubling heat-creep issue that can occur when soft plastic backs up into a heat sink and clogs the entire hotend system.
From Heatsink to nozzle, the Copperhead has been through extensive testing to achieve the ultimate 3D printing performance.
Slice Engineering did their due diligence to create a beginner-friendly, yet advanced hotend system in the form of the Copperhead. To learn more, and to order your Slice Engineering Copperhead today, check out the collection.
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